The Beatitudes as Affirmations

Affirmations: Fr. Thomas Keating refers to the beatitudes as affirmations. Perhaps you will want to reflect and then select one as an affirmation for the time ahead:

Blessed am I, poor in spirit,

for mine is the kingdom of heaven.

Blessed am I who mourn,

for I will be comforted.

Blessed am I, the meek,

for I will inherit the land.

Blessed are I who hunger and thirst for righteousness,

for I will be satisfied.

Blessed am I, the merciful,

for I will be shown mercy.

Blessed am I, the clean of heart,

for I will see God.

Blessed am I, the peacemakers,

for I will be called child of God.

Blessed am I who is persecuted for the sake of righteousness,

for mine is the kingdom of heaven.

— cf. Matthew 5: 3-10
