The Divine Indwelling

During our meeting, we cover the last segment of the Gift of Life program, “Coming Home”. Our conversation took us to a beautiful ending that is summarized:

One thing I ask of the Lord;

this I seek:

to dwell in the house of the Lord

all days of my life.

PSALM 27:4

In addition we were talking about our difficulty to perceive the presence of God in our life.

To go deeper in this matter , I recommend to read the following article  by Fr. Thomss Keating, The Divine Indwelling. In this article, we learn:

1) To believe in the Divine Indwelling within us, fully present and energizing every level of our being.

2) To recognize that this energy level is benign, healing and transforming.

3) To enjoy its gradual unfolding step by step, both in prayer and in action.


CO_NewsletterJan2001_pag1_2 Extraction of the article from the CO Newsletter.

CO Newsletter Jan 2001 Fall/winter


The Alphabet of Spiritual Literacy

From Spirituality and Practice: Enrich your life with 37 universal spiritual practices.

“Spiritual practices connect us with our true selves, our neighbors, our world, and our Source. This  alphabet is a map of the paths we use to make those vital connections. Here we share 37 main routes — forms of practice that are markers of the spiritual life in all the world’s religions and spiritual paths. Under them, you’ll find the tried-and-true practices such as prayer (Devotion) and meditation (Attention), as well as things like optimism (Hope) that become spiritual practices through our intentions.”

Symbol and Meaning of the Cross

Symbol and Mening of the Cross

Few weeks ago, our prayer group at Solon cover segment 6 of the Gif of Life- Death & Dying- Life & Living called “The Cross”. In order to go a little further about the material of Fr. Keating , I want to add some material from Joseph Venerosso.M.M: a poem and a link of an article about  how we have transformed the crucifix into the symbol of divine love, mercy and forgiveness.

1. The cosmic outcast

2.THE SHADOW OF THE CROSS by Joseph R. Veneroso. M.M

Planted long ago on Calvary hill

God’s only begotten Son-dial casts

A worldwide shadow

Across continents and seas

To touch and tell us the time

When life and love and hope

Died once and for all

Only to rise again.


Each birth and battlefield

Are blessed by its sacred shade

Thought most people are too busy

Living or dying to notice

This sublime yet simple benediction.


True, some struggle mightily to ignore

Or flee far from its terrible truth

As if avoidance or ignorance could

Provide comfort, if not remedy, for

Death’s cold grip upon our lives.


St.Matthew’s Episcopal Church

An Ecumenical Contemplative group started at St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church in Brecksville, Ohio. Rev. Stephanie Pace is very enthusiastic with this project and she is collaborating as a leader in conjunction with Dottie Rieman and myself.  Our first meeting was on May 14, 2013. Since then, we have meet twice per month, on the second and forth Tuesday of the month, at 1:30 pm.
